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Tuesday 24 June 2014

Re: dont be incited

21:41 - By Unknown 0

over the past week their have been whispers that the luo community have been tol to pack up and leave before 7/7/14.(i dont sugarcoat and i dont like how these media houses do it you have something to say then say it)
what i dont get is why luos?did all luos vote for raila? have the luos chased away your kinsmen who trade happily in luoland?
the arrogant ones you see on social media are always tucked in safely behind a computer using abusive words and intimidating remarks.so my challenge to you who wants to evict people from their sweat from a land that probably u never had, a land that you will leave behind when you move on and depending on the type of descendants you have may or may not remain within your lineage, my challenge is this if you have issues with someone sit down with that person and talk with them. before you go out carrying out vengeful attacks against any community ask yourself this questions
would your offspring be happy to be associated with a bully?
these politicians that you defend will they fight for you on that d-day when angels come, bowls of anger are spewing and the rider on the white horse has a sword?
when you chase and kill people do their relatives not weep just as yours would do?
and finally these media houses that show content that are inflammatory are the same individuals who are invited out to a meal by the same politician and are bribed to bury a story that involves the politician and his nonsensical rendezvous...

so sad that pirlo will not get to realize his dream..if you dont belive me youtube pirlo then wait and see..congrats to costa rica n uruguay..have a gdday

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