Dream come true for parents ofquadruplets as daughter weds
TILL DEATH DO US PART | Bride’s birth captured in Daily Nation as was one of the quadruplets
The wooden picture frame neatly displays a newspaper cutting of a story from the Daily Nation of June 6, 1987.The small, single-column story at thefar right of the newspaper cutting, is based on a 33-year-old woman, MrsAzama Nga’ng’a, who has given birth to quadruplets – two boys and two girls– at the Aga Khan Hospital, Nairobi.
The story describes an ecstatic couple who gleefully welcomed their four bundles of joy, saying “this is the will of God,” after the mother had problems conceiving before she took fertility drugs to enable her to conceive.Yesterday, Catherine Situmai Muya got married in a colourful red-and gold-themed wedding at the Consolata Shrine in Westlands, Nairobi.Catherine married Mr Orlale Njenga,whom she met back in 2002 but who proposed to her on April 23. According to the fun-facts on their wedding programme,the couple’s favourite song is “Superman” by T. Riley and the couple loves to watch movies and play video games together.
Witnessed by family and friends, the couple’s wedding was every inch the pompous, joyous celebration complete with aptly decorated high-end cars and pretty bridesmaids.The couple’s best couple were TeresaWanjeri (Catherine’s sister) and Daniel Njomo.The bride’s father, Mr John Muya Ng’ang’a, says the occasion was a fulfilmentof a lifetime wish of seeing his children settle down in life.“My friend asked me if I will cry as I give away my daughter, but I told him if I am going to cry, it will be tears of joy, seeing my daughter settle down in marriage,” said Mr Ng’ang’a.
Although she could not physically attend her sister’s wedding as she is in the US, the trio’s big sister, Maria Ng’ang’a, attended the wedding via Skype. Speaking to the Sunday Nation via Skype, Maria could hardly hide her joy.“I wish my little sister a happy day and the best in life,” she said.When we caught up with the Ng’ang’as yesterday morning amidst the wedding day frenzy, the family told of their bitter-sweet journey since the birth of their miracle quadruplets.
The story begins on a sad note when the youngest of the quadruplets – Bakari Ng’ang’a – passed away only five days after the babies were born. According to the mother, Bakari was a tiny child who had not yet fully developed and,therefore, did not survive beyond the first week after birth.But even with Bakari’s death, Mrs Ng’ang’a says, carrying and giving birth to her four babies was the greatest thing that ever happened to her.It came as a pleasant surprise,when at six months of pregnancy,she discovered that she was carrying quadruplets.“I stayed home from the fourth month of pregnancy because my stomach was very big. When the doctor told me that I was expecting quadruplets, I was very excited.” Her husband remembers being away at work in Thika when a doctor from the Aga Khan Hospital called to notify him of the birth of his four children.
You never walk alone.
How is it growing up as a trio oftwo girls and a boy? Well, for one, you never walk alone. You never play alone,and you always have company when you want to get into mischief. There is never a dull moment, the trio told the Sunday Nation.The trio of Steven, Teresa ‘Triza’ and Catherine describe their childhood as“very interesting”. Although they are not exactly the peas-in-a pod look alikes,make no mistake. The girls are very close. Triza and Catherine haveshared a class since kindergarten all through to high school. Even in their adult years, the two sisters try to mee tdaily and live 10 minutes away from each other.
Little wonder, Triza was Catherine’s maid of honour yesterday. Steven, the third quarter of the quadruplets and also the‘first born’ of the quadruplets, tries to keep up with his sisters, although he attended a different school from the girls.“I relate with my sisters very well because we are all the same age. There is something very special in growing upknowing that there is always somebody your age to play and hang around with,”said Steven. Catherine co-owns a business with her new husband Njenga; Triza works with Associate Business Sweden and Steven is a part-time student and a businessman. Their elder sister Maria is four years older than the trio and works as a nurse in the US.
The trio say Maria is their role model and they grew up looking up to her. It was no wonder they followed her everywhere she went.“Growing up with three younger siblings of the same age was very interesting. I looked like the motherduck with her ducklings following her around … I have always felt like I am their missing piece. We got so attached and it feels so good to know that they always look up to me,” said Maria.The trio operate like cogs in a wheel; Steven may be the first born of thequadruplets, but Triza is the leaderof the pack, and Catherine the decision-maker. Triza walked and talked before everyone else in the group, Catherine, the youngest decides what Triza will wear and Steven is just happy to have two sisters exactly the same age.
Gazeti Kenya