Over the weekend i unexpectedly went for the masaku after party and no i was not stuck in traffic. i hear people who left nairobi at 12 pm were still stuck in traffic by 6pm.....well i left at 8pm n arrived some time before 10pm. it pays to know how to skin a cat 1000 times..i no 3 routes to machakos while most people know the mombasa road route.know different ways to skin that cat.

i arrived expecting to see women clad in bikini and hotpants because they think that being hot during the day machakos is also warm at night. what i saw was pregnant women and the ladies you see on a typical westlands rave night. cometh the day cometh the hour. when that night wore on temperatures dropped to single digits n thats when cardboard boxes became currency for the bonfire. you could have easily had your way with the lasses had you some cardboard boxes.
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Our teens have grown Crazy. This is how it went down in Masaku incase you missed.